Restaurant, Realty Office, Tudor Landmark

From: The Record, Monday, March 23, 1981

In 1929, the restaurant in the left half of this gabled, Tudor-style building on Teaneck's Cedar Lane was called, not surprisingly, the Teaneck Tavern. Next door in the stucco and brick edifice was a real estate office (whose sign was judiciously inked out before this photo first appeared in The Bergen Evening Record more than a half century ago).

While two gables were removed and some windows and doors rearranged, little has changed at the local landmark just west of the municipal center. A restaurant still shares with a realty firm; an awning still beckons to passers-by.

It is Cedar Lane that has changed, and much for the better. At the end of the 1920's, the dirt strip was rutted and lined with tracks for the trolleys. Angle-parkers often ran their front tires up on the sidewalk. Today., widened and paved, Cedar Lane is the township's economic and social heart, and a major east-west artery. Motorists now inch back into spaces scored for parallel parking, next to parking meters that sprouted along most of the curbs.


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